British SRD model jar


€ 18,00

S.R.D. known as 'Rum Jars' but not necessarily so, other possible meanings could be ' Service Reserve Depot' 'Services Rum Diluted' 'Special Red Demerara' 'Standard Rum Diluted' 'Service Rum Distribution' 'Service Ration Department' 'Service Rum Department'. 

Soldiers Slang for it was 'Seldom Rarely Delivered' 'Soldiers Run Dry' 'Soon Runs Out' 'Seldom Reaches Destination'. One thing is certain, soldiers during the First War did get a rum ration usually before ''going over the top''.

Introduced in the winter of 1914 as a remedy for the cold, or to give some ''Dutch courage'' before fighting, it is strange that this was done, as it certainly would not help with the cold or bad weather conditions, and given the amount in the ration, it would take more than the whole bottle to get any man willing to face the German machine gunners.

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