NSB - WA Collar Tab as intended for wear by a 'Konstabel' of the 'NSB'-related: 'Weerafdelingen' (being more or less the equivalent of the German SA or 'Sturmabteilungen').

Red felt collar tab with one gold coloured metal bar.The Collar tab is in clearly used and tunic removed.

€ 125,00

The Dutch "Nationaal-Socialistische Beweging" (National Socialist Movement) was founded by 'Anton Mussert' in December 1931 and was a Dutch pro-German Nazi Party.

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  • NSB - WA Collar Tab as intended for wear by a 'Konstabel' of the 'NSB'-related: 'Weerafdelingen' (being more or less the equivalent of the German SA or 'Sturmabteilungen').