Sleeve badge Warrant Officer Class II

Embroidered (worsted) Battle Dress insignia as seen from 1939-1952 (the Tudor Crown was replaced by a St. Edward's Crown and this badge continued in use so modified until Unification).


During the Second World War, the majority of WO and NCO badges were embroidered in dull thread, though some limited use of metal badges was seen by warrant officers. There were a number of patterns of rank lace, including 2, 3 and 4 bar chevrons made from single pieces of lace, with coloured lines separating the bars. The lace was sewn either to dark khaki wool (referred to as "worsted" badges) or to light tan Khaki Drill denim material. Some warrant officers wore leather bracelets in conjunction with a metal badge when in Summer Dress, as the short sleeved shirt did not allow for display of the rank insignia.

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